Digestive Health - Food Grade Gelatin Assists digestion and absorption ability * Sourced from predominantly Australian cattle - pasture raised. Grass fed / grain finished. * Benefits gastrointestinal tract. * Naturally binds to water. * Contains 18 amino acids. * Contains keratin, a protein, that improves the condition of hair, nails and skin. * Source of dietary collagen. * No fat or cholesterol. * No additives or colouring agents. Gelatin is a pure collagen. Collagen is essential for the integrity of the skin. Collagen is the substance that is derived from processing animal bones and connective tissue. Contains 18 amino acids that are vital to everyday functions of the body and your organs. Today, gelatin is missing from the modern Australian diet. Adding Gelatin can balance the amino acid ratio and can lower cortisol which will reduce inflammation. Gelatin is fantastic for the gastrointestinal system. It assists the body to digest, potentially decreasing the susceptibility to food sensitivities. Gelatin naturally binds to water which can help the digestive tract process more easily. The keratin in Gelatin assists the structural integrity of the gastrointestinal lining.
Digestive Health - Food Grade Gelatin Assists digestion and absorption ability * Sourced from predominantly Australian cattle - pasture raised. Grass fed / grain finished. * Benefits gastrointestinal tract. * Naturally binds to water. * Contains 18 amino acids. * Contains keratin, a protein, that improves the condition of hair, nails and skin. * Source of dietary collagen. * No fat or cholesterol. * No additives or colouring agents. Gelatin is a pure collagen. Collagen is essential for the integrity of the skin. Collagen is the substance that is derived from processing animal bones and connective tissue. Contains 18 amino acids that are vital to everyday functions of the body and your organs. Today, gelatin is missing from the modern Australian diet. Adding Gelatin can balance the amino acid ratio and can lower cortisol which will reduce inflammation. Gelatin is fantastic for the gastrointestinal system. It assists the body to digest, potentially decreasing the susceptibility to food sensitivities. Gelatin naturally binds to water which can help the digestive tract process more easily. The keratin in Gelatin assists the structural integrity of the gastrointestinal lining.